
Culerity, Cucumber and Couchapp - Part 2

Some further modifications in the files mentioned here were necessary to get the initial setup runable.
(System configuration: WinXP, JRuby 1.5.1, CouchDB 0.11, couchapp 0.6.2)
  1. step_definitions/common_culerity_steps.rb - add this
    1. def couchapp
    2.   'rem' # enter your couchapp name here
    3. end
  2. support/paths.rb - modify

    1.     when /start page/                                            
    2.       "/#{database}/_design/#{database}/index.html"
    3.     else                                                        
    1.     when /start page/
    2.       "/#{database}/_design/#{couchapp}/index.html"
    3.     else
  3. step_definitions/common_culerity_steps.rb - remove ":resynchronize => true," from
    1.     $browser = Culerity::RemoteBrowserProxy.new $server, {
    2.       :browser => :firefox,
    3.       :javascript_exceptions => true,
    4.       :resynchronize => true,
    5.       :status_code_exceptions => true}
  4. start_page.feature - modify the example scenario to
    1.   Scenario: go to the start page        
    2.     When I go to the start page          
    3.     Then I should see the text "Generated CouchApp"

After this modifications I got:
E:\projects\privat\rem>jruby -S cucumber --no-color
Feature: start page
  In order to feel welcome
  As a user
  I want to be welcomed on the start page

  Scenario: go to the start page                    # features\start_page.feature:7
2010-07-10 17:01:12 [INFO] Visit your CouchApp here:
    When I go to the start page                     # features/step_definitions/common_culerity_steps.rb:90
    Then I should see the text "Generated CouchApp" # features/step_definitions/common_culerity_steps.rb:119

1 scenario (1 passed)
2 steps (2 passed)


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